Today is actually my brother's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (that's if you ever read my blog..hehe)
just this morning after subuh, as i was doing some exercise in my room, some random thoughts came to mind. just the thoughts of a youtube video i watched yesterday made me think quite a bit. it's just that sometimes maybe as human beings we tend to forget to be thankful with all the little things which are actually REALLY BIG. Even the possibility of having water supply should come to our mind as a nikmah from Allah that we should be thankful for. It may be something so little at the back of our minds that water is something necessary and so important that we MUST have water; but we forget to remind ourselves how and why Allah made possible the supply itself. And thus, we forget to thank Allah for the little little things, because we take them for GRANTED.
And i'm right now imagining our lives in the everyday tasks that we have to go through..generally people wake up, drive to work, have lunch, go back to work, until evening then go back home in the hectic traffic jam--arrive home, have dinner, and feel soo tired that we are left only with sleeping time. And this repeats EVERYDAY. As for me, since i'm only studying for now, i'd wake up and do some studying, reading, then go to class, come back home, surf the net etc.
We get so obsessed with the worldly figures of life that we tend to lose sight of the real reason why we are actually in this world. Why Allah created us. Why he tests us. And most of all, we forget to actually get to know who we are in reality. I mean the REAL REALITY. This is another term that needs more elaboration on since people tend to always think of the situation we live in now is the reality, but i'd call it the fantasy; that is if we only do the things i mentioned above repeatedly for the whole of our days, without the REAL INTENTION OF SERVING ALLAH. Why I call it fantasy? Fantasy because we are fantasizing on everything that we forget our own self. We do work because of the intention to get money. We go through life as it is the most important thing. We think about the future on getting a good education and good job to have full satisfaction in our lives to live better and to serve our future generations. But do we think to the extent of doing things for the future FUTURE that is for SURE going to take us? Even our future of living and getting all these satisfaction of life is not certain, so why do we bother so much about it and not think about the most CERTAIN life in the hereafter?
I quote from the Prophet s.a.w. that a person who knows himself, would know his CREATOR. And this made me think so much--how many people in this world actually know themselves then? we tend to think that we know ourselves so much, but in reality, we don't probably know 90 percent of our own inner selves if we cannot make Allah as the only point of intention in our everyday challenges of life.
So how do we actually try to come to know us and finally know our CREATOR?
As human beings, we all have this weakness inside of us, and also this strong part of our heart that can control the weaknesses. It's just sometimes that our strength goes down and we feel lost in reality, therefore seek for things without making rational sense--making our hearts weaker and weaker. But if we realize the only reason we are on earth today, i'd think that we can be stronger. But this needs repetition. We need reminders. We need solid practice. We need HIM to guide us.
That's plain simple in the life that we human beings make more complicated.
Whatever it is, we are just here on earth as actors of life on the stage of earth--just like those in the movie, except this one is REALLY REALLY a big movie. And therefore, we have to remind ourselves that our hearts will become weak if we do not seek guidance from Allah and just leave it at that. As how we need everyday practice to become better at things, our hearts need reminders EVERYDAY so that we are on track, on the right path. Allah is ALWAYS ALWAYS there for each and every human being on earth, at any time, at any particular part of day or night--He waits for us to come to HIM and repent, and admit all our weaknesses in front of HIM, He forgives, He guides, He listens.
And all we need in life is just to know ourselves--coz by knowing ourselves, we get to know HIM...But if somehow as i said, think we already know ourselves, but we still are far away from HIM, that means we don't actually know the real us..therefore we still have a long long way in building solid hearts so that we can be reminded of the things we do and why we do them--either for satisfying our nafs or are we doing it just for the sake of Allah? A thought for today, especially to myself...