I just wanted to write something about an interesting stuff i encountered today..I was at this wedding 'kenduri' with my sister. It was her friend's wedding and so we went to Kelab Shah Alam (i think?). When we arrived, my sister parked behind this lorry and we walked a little distance up the hill; suddenly my sister realized she lost her anklet. We then walked back along the path and i found it!;)
Okay that was not the point of writing. Anyways, after greeting the couples' parents, we went in the hall and wow! the bridegroom was just like him;p...i told my sister and she agreed with me up to the max. I couldn't stop looking at him but at the same time i told myself not to coz he's somebody's husband (!). And even if he weren't someone's husband, it'd still be wrong to look at him more than once. hiks. whatever it is, i really hope to get married with him=) (of course NOT the bridegroom la!, hihi)
i'm so glad to have Allah put my life story this way, despite the long journey of ups and downs, coz for the first time i just feel so much cared about even though we don't have all this mushy mushy stuff..and for the first time i feel that everything i want just blends in with what he wants. i have never felt much more understood by a guy and i'm so happy that our mission in life are just the same. and the most important thing is, the first time we met after a year knowing each other just felt so easy and unplanned and my heart just felt so calm seeing his face. it just seems like we've known each other for years. thank you (if you ever read this), for the kindness that you possess, the patience that you have in always dealing with me, the calmness you bring into my life every time i get overwhelmed with problems, the advices you give without giving up and most importantly, your sincerity in just accepting me the way i am and seeing my weaknesses as my strengths....all i hope is just that Allah answers my prayers and all that i have ever wanted in this life in being His full time slave;)amiin
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